Friday, September 30, 2005
Thursday, September 29, 2005
"Where the hell is that patient's nurse?!?!"
While I generally enjoy the TV show House, I feel like must complain about it a little bit. Apparently the hospital in the show does not employ nurses. My sister must be getting really tired of me yelling at the TV, “Where the hell is that patient’s nurse?!?!” All this blood drawing and medication administration that the main characters do would never happen in real life. The only doctors on my floor that administer meds are the anesthesiologists (during surgery and for epidurals). The obstetricians don’t even have access codes for the med pyxis. In this week’s episode the doctor is shocked to find out that the patient hasn’t urinated since the previous afternoon. If the patient had a nurse, they sure as hell would have known that his kidneys were failing much much earlier. Especially since he was on a drug known to cause nephrotoxicity. Despite my complaints, however, I do enjoy the diagnostic reasoning part of the show, as we have been learning a lot about it in my health assessment class. It is fun to see them do their medical detective work. The other medical shows I watch (ER and Grey's Anatomy) aren't much better in their portayal of nurses. I really just wish that there was some show on TV that depicted nurses in a positive and realistic manner.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Good and Bad Things
1) We all got $175 Visa gift cards. This was presumably to thank everyone for helping the hospital pass JCAHO inspection last week.
2) My manager actually gave me a compliment. I had given her my Clinical Nurse III application to review and sign before I submitted it. One portion of the application was an essay about a patient care situation that was particularly meaningful to us and that demonstrated the advanced nursing skills engendered by a prospective Clin III. She said that I "write very well." That's probably the nicest thing she's ever said to me.
Bad things that happened at work yesterday:
1) The lady who was scheduled for c-section on Wednesday came in early. She was at her doctor's office and they weren't able to find a heartbeat. Of course all perinatal losses are sad, but this one particularly so since she was already at term and had planned to have a normal delivery two days later.
2) We have a patient who is just a total mess. Her list of problems includes: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and emphysema (2 packs a day since age 13), schizophrenia, seizure disorder, syphillis, cor pulmonale (heart disease generally as a result of lung disease), cocaine and alcohol abuse (most recent cocaine abuse just a week ago). Oh, plus she's 35 weeks pregnant! She actually bummed a cigarette off another patient's family member the other day in the waiting room. What kind of STUPID IDIOT gives a pregnant woman a cigarette?
Monday, September 26, 2005
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Letters to the Editor
SIR – New Orleans's mayor should have called the hawks in Washington before Katrina struck and told them that 30 al-Qaeda-looking types were at the levees. Help would then surely have arrived in time.
Stein GlorvigenSkjetten, Norway
Friday, September 23, 2005
Anna Nalick

My new favorite CD is "Wreck of the Day" by Anna Nalick. I bought it a couple of weeks ago and I've had it in my car stereo ever since. Regarding her influences, her website says this:
Citing a wide range of influences running from Fiona Apple and Tori Amos, with whom she shares a complex feminine poignancy, to Blind Melon and John Mayer, whose adroit poetic paradoxes reverberate in her songs, to Stevie Ray Vaughan, whom she calls, simply, "The guy that I'm going to marry when I get to heaven," Anna generates a sound and sensibility distinctly her own
She's going to be at the 9:30 Club on October 11th, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to go. Have to see what school and work are like. Anyway, check out the album on Amazon or Anna's official website.
Gynecologic Teaching Associates
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Sveriges Radio
Monday, September 19, 2005
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Friday, September 16, 2005
Prayers and Positive Thoughts
West Wing
Last night, some of my coworkers and I had the opportunity to have a private tour of the West Wing of the White House. The tour came courtesy of one of our former patients who is a member of the White House senior staff. We met up with our patient over at her office in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. That place is locked up pretty tight. We had to go through two security checkpoints before we were even allowed into the building. Our patient had a wine and cheese spread for us in her office. It was good to see her again, as well as another former patient who is a good friend of hers. She really is one of the coolest and sweetest people I know (even if she is a Republican). We got to watch the beginning of the president’s national address from New Orleans in her office before the tour over in the White House started.
If you watch the West Wing on NBC, you will possibly be disappointed to know that the Oval Office is the only part that is accurate. One of the coolest parts was the numerous large photographs on the walls in all the corridors. These photographs are apparently rotated on a fairly regular basis. A photograph taken of the president in the morning can end up on the wall by the afternoon. When we there yesterday there were tons of pictures of the President surveying the devastation down on the Gulf Coast.
Although I am not the biggest fan of our current president, it was still pretty cool to be at a place where so many important things happen on a daily basis and have done so for over a hundred years. I guess the sense of history was what impressed me most, as opposed to just focusing on the fact that it is Dubya’s office now.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
The division of the world's peoples into distinct groups
- "red," "black," "white" or "yellow" peoples - has became so deeply imbedded in
our psyches, so widely accepted, many would promptly dismiss as crazy any
suggestion of its falsity. Yet, that's exactly what this provocative, new
three-hour series by California Newsreel claims. Race - The Power of an Illusion
questions the very idea of race as biology, suggesting that a belief in race is
no more sound than believing that the sun revolves around the earth. Yet race
still matters. Just because race doesn't exist in biology doesn't mean it isn't
very real, helping shape life chances and opportunities.
Before we watched the film, our professor had us take a "Race Literacy Quiz." Going over the answers was really eye-opening because so many of the answers were different from what you would expect. Take it yourself and see if it doesn't make you think.
Why are people so dumb? Part IV
Monday, September 12, 2005
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Friday, September 09, 2005
Back to School
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
It is a deceptively simple character study of a family in North Carolina whose eldest son, George, marries Madeline, a sophisticated art dealer from Chicago. They fall in love and marry quickly, so they still don't know much about each other. Madeline is trying to sign a small town artist who lives near George’s family. So they make a trip to North Carolina to woo the artist and to meet George’s family.
The film is slow, gentle, and contemplative. It kind of has the feel of a good short story. If you can only handle action packed thrillers, don’t bother seeing this movie. The movie has gotten a lot of positive critique so far. All of the actors give good performances. Even Benjamin McKenzie of “The O.C.” fame, who plays the moody younger brother Johnny. The actress who steels the show, however, is Amy Adams who plays Ashley, Johnny’s pregnant wife. Ashley is like Scarlett O’Hara with ADD, a desperately cheerful chatterbox who is earnest and childlike, but more intelligent that she first appears. It is as though she just talks and talks and talks because to be silent would be to confront her life's emptiness. To quote one the reviews I read, “Ms. Adams's incandescent Ashley floods the movie with a heartbreaking sweetness and warmth.” Adams had better be on the list for best supporting actress when the Oscar nominations come out. She has already received praise for her performance by winning a special jury prize for dramatic performance at the Sundance Film Festival
In conclusion, I’m so glad we went to see this movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would highly recommend it to any of you.
Monday, September 05, 2005
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Beslan tragedy
As if I wasn't depressed enough already with all the coverage of the hurricane, I happened upon a documentary on HBO tonight about the Beslan tragedy, which occurred a year ago this past weekend. It was so compelling that I ended up watching the whole thing. For those of you who don't know about this event, it involved a group of 30 armed terrorists taking 1,300 people hostage at a school in the town of Beslan in the southwestern part of Russia. It occurred on the first day of school, so not only were students and teachers present, but also many parents, younger siblings, and relatives. The siege lasted 3 days and in the end 29 of the terrorists and 344 civilians died. The documentary provided a summary of the events interspersed with interviews with children who had survived the tragedy. They were all so young (between I’d say 7 and 12) and it was just depressing to think what they had been through. Most of them lost friends and many of them lost family members. In the last part of the documentary they focused on how the kids were doing now. There was so much anger, which is obviously understandable. Many of them talked about what they would do to the terrorists if they ever saw them again. It is just heartbreaking that these kids have to be filled with so much rage at such a young age.
Why is it?
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Do Somethin'
Celebrities are pouring out of the woodwork with offers of monetary support for hurricane relief. I applaud these efforts because if you have as much money as some of these people do, you should be sharing it with those who are less fortunate. Especially at a time like this, when so many people are in dire need. Louisiana natives, Ellen DeGeneres, Tim McGraw, and Harry Connick Jr., are all involved in some fundraising effort or another. One Louisiana native who is blatantly missing from the donation scene is Britney Spears. The girl is worth an estimated $125 million and grew up in one of the states most affected by the hurricane. You would think she could cough up a bit a cash. While a promise of money is still absent, you will be glad to know, however, that she has said that she is praying for all those affected. Now I know she has a baby on the way soon, but even so I think she could afford a small donation. I mean, Hillary Duff donated $250,000 and she’s not even from one the states that was badly affected by the hurricane. Earlier this year, Hilary even donated sales from her sold out Most Wanted Tour to the Tsunami victims in South Asia. Somehow I doubt Britney donated then either. Come on Brit, you have more money that Hillary Duff, don’t you? Shell out a few bucks.
The devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina is truly astounding. I have tried to stay away from the TV news coverage because I just find it so utterly depressing. I do, however, still read the newspaper and that is enough. There was a short article in the Post yesterday that caught my interest. The headline was, “U.S. Considers Aid Offers From Two Dozen Countries.” (Follow the link and scroll down to the second article for the full text.) According to some State Department spokesman, Condoleezza Rice has decided “no offer that can help alleviate the suffering of the people in the afflicted area will be refused.” The sad thing about it is that the word “considers” is used. The damage caused by this natural disaster is so great that this country will not be able to overcome it without help. The state of the world today, however, makes it so that offers can’t just be openly accepted. For example, Venezuela has offered humanitarian aid and fuel. Sounds good to me, but Venezuela apparently has a contentious relationship with the Bush administration. It would be a distressing thing to think that aid offers would be turned down because our current administration can’t get along with other countries. I realize of course that these offers probably don’t all come freely either. I’m sure that some of the offers are being made with the expectations of other favors from the US in the future. It just shows how messed up our world is today. I guess that Milton Friedman was right, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.”