2) I went to Ikea a few weekends ago to help my sister and her boyfriend buy some furniture. As per usual, I made a stop in the little food shop before heading out the door. Much to my delight they had one of my favorite jams! In Swedish it is called "drottning sylt," which translated in English mean "queen's jam." It is a mix of raspberry and blueberry james and it is yummy!!! It is good mix into some plain yogurt or on top of pancakes or ice cream.

3) So, did you know that the next Harry Potter book and movie are coming out a week apart in July. I knew that last book was coming out July 21st, but I didn't realize that the fifth movie is coming out July 13th! The sixth movie is supposedly not coming out until November 2008. Apparently Emma Watson, who plays Hermione, has not actually yet committed to any Harry Potter movies beyond the fifth one. She wants to go to college and expand her career. I'm all for that, but does she realize how many people would hate her if she didn't do the last two movies. That would be a pretty dumb move if you ask me.

4) Did you hear about that ridiculously large squid caught by fisherman off Antarctica? It weighs approximately 990 pounds and is about 32 feet long! And you must understand that this was a colossal squid as opposed to a giant squid. Read the Wikipedia article to understand the differences.

5) Anyone who watched House knows that patients "lie." Whether it is outright lying or a lie of omission, it is still a lie. I have definitely experienced this in my years as a nurse and more recently as a nurse practitioner. It really doesn't do you any good in the end, so DON'T DO IT! Health care providers also need to be better about questioning patients, because sometimes it just takes asking a question the right way to get a patient to tell you something. There was a good little article on Yahoo a couple of weeks ago about this topic. Check it out!
6) My all time favorite band, Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers, is coming out with a new album in a few weeks! How excited am I? Pretty damn excited! I've written about them before on this blog (here and here and here) and I still hold that not enough people understand just quite how awesome they are! Get with it people!