Thursday, June 30, 2005

Name days

As many of you may know, my mom is from Sweden and thus I am half Swedish. In Sweden, they have a very cool concept called name days. Almost every day of the year has one or two names assigned to it. Whichever day has your name assigned to it is your name day. Some people make a big deal out of it and others don’t. I consider name days to be like mini-birthdays. A small party with cake and presents is certainly warranted. For some reason, my family celebrates middle names. My name day, therefore, is July 20th (Margareta). Feel free to start shopping now.

I have decided to try and post the name(s) for every day on my blog. Mind you, many of the names are very Swedish. Meaning, if your name is say, Laquinta or Shaquille, you probably don’t have a name day.

Your name day is today if your name is: Elof or Leif

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


I have decided to try out this whole blogging thing. I have a number of different blogs on my bookmarks list and I figured that if I’m interested in reading other blogs, people might be interested in reading mine. I’ve actually thought about it for a while, but sometimes I feel like my life is entirely too boring. Some people post way too much of their personal dramas on their blogs, and while I often find this entertaining, I have no plans to air my dirty laundry on a public website. I will, however, make my best effort to post things I find interesting and hopefully you will find them interesting as well.

As far as the title of my blog, it relates to my job. As some of you may know, I am a nurse on Labor and Delivery. Every day at 7 am and 7 pm, all the nurses sit down at a big oblong table in the nurses’ station. The nurses coming on listen to the nurses going off tell about the patients on the floor. Mostly report is comprised of reason for admission, medical history, allergies, medications given or needed, and events that have occurred during the shift. Depending on how busy the floor is, however, sometimes report also turns into a gossip session. Reports of a date, a vacation, a party, or a happy hour are also often given. People also vent or complain about things work or non-work related. There is always a captive audience. Sometimes, however, the floor is too busy and there is no time for such things. That is why I created this blog and I hope that it will always provide me with attentive listeners.