Friday, September 09, 2005

Back to School

For the next month, my life will be pretty much be all about school or work. For the next four weeks I have class on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Lucky me! The rest of the days of the week I have to fit in my three 12 hour shifts at work (days or nights). The class that I have all day Fridays and Saturdays is my Advanced Health Assessment class. It only lasts for four weeks and when I pass it I can go out and do clinicals in the community. We had our first day of lecture (7 hours!) for this class today. It was overwhelming to put it lightly. Information overload! We covered cardiovascular, respiratory and integumentary assessment. Tomorrow we have our first lab day (also 7 hours!), where we get to examine each others' cardiovascular, respiratory, and integumentary systems. Fun stuff. We even had homework that we got today, that is due tomorrow. Who would have ever believed that there were so many things to examine/question and so many differential diagnoses for someone complaining of a cough? Hopefully I will emerge from this month not too much the worse for wear. If, however, you don't hear from or see me for a while, you now know why.


Mr. Shife said...

Good luck with the studies.

Lena said...

Thanks! While this semester will be taxing, I am looking forward to being able to do more hands on stuff. Sitting in a classroom is pretty boring, but being out in the community for clinical should be fun.