Monday, April 03, 2006

Brain Numbness, Orange Urine and False Labor

I worked Friday and Saturday nights this weekend and we had some wackos come in. On Friday night there was the patient whose chief complaint was, "My brain feels numb." She came into the hospital by ambulance. All her vital signs were fine and she didn't appear to have any problem with muscular and nervous system function. Her labs were all negative. Needless to say she got a psych consult.

Then there was the lady who came in at 1:00 am on Saturday night because her urine was supposedly orange. There are certain things that can turn your urine orange: beets, rhubarb, vitamin B, dehydration, rifampin (an antiobiotic), and pyridium (for bladder spasms with UTIs). She had not ingested any of these things. The urine sample she gave at the hospital looked remarkably clear and yellow (aka normal). Lab analysis also showed that it was completely normal. She got sent home.

You may recall my previous post about the woman who claimed to be pregnant with triplets, but wasn't actually pregnant at all. I was talking to one the residents who told me that this woman eventually got admitted to the psych unit, where she was trying for two days to push the babies out. Funny and at the same time very very sad.

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